Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Sick Ward

Leo is a happy, but sick kitty. Niko and Roxanne have done a very charitable thing in not immediately attacking and killing the weak of their species, apparently deciding they liked Leo.

I am sure they regret that kindness now. Both Niko and Roxanne acquired the upper respiratory infection that Leo has. Poor Niko even had a skid mark on his nose from the constant mucus drip. Roxanne had runny eyes, and blinked a lot. Niko couldn't smell his food and Roxanne just wasn't hungry. Since they were not hungry, I was faced with trying to medicate them in the food that they were not eating, which required trying to get them to eat their food about every two hours. Thank goodness I got laid off or they might never have gotten better!

Wake up, trip over kitties all the way to the kitchen, test Leo.
Give Leo treats, give Roxanne and Niko treats for "helping".
Recover licked and discarded treats and give them to Leo.
Crush L-Lysine for all 3 kitties.
Crush Methyl B12 for Leo.
Pill pocket some pain meds for Leo.
Feed Leo so he won't eat their food.
Diligently work to hide L-Lysine in 1 tablespoon Niko and Roxie's food.
Feed them.
Remove Leo from their food and give Leo more of his own food.
Fetch Lantus from fridge, draw it up, shoot Leo.
Remind Roxie and Niko they have fresh food.
Remove Leo from Roxie and Niko's food and put him back in front of his own dish.
Put Friskies Turkey Cheese and Delicious gravy on my finger to entice Roxie and Niko, but accidentally entice Leo.
Put Leo back in front of his own dish.
Give up feeding Roxanne and Niko, put dishes on counter, just in case they get hungry again in 5 minutes.
Bait Leo with promise of more treats.
Clean Leo's ears with Q-Tips, much to his extreme displeasure.
Put Triotic cream in his ear canal, much to his extreme displeasure.
Rub cream on the outside of his ears to kill whatever parasite is there.
Give the now mortally offended Leo more treats.
Give Roxie and Niko treats for "helping".
Recover licked and discarded treats and give them to Leo.
Wash hands, scrub like a demon has possessed me.
Sit down.
Stand up, back to kitchen, forgot to make the coffee.
Sit down.
Stand up, forgot to freshen the water bowls.
Clean 3 litterboxes.
Wash hands like a doctor prepping for surgery.
Make cup of coffee, sit down.
Spend 30 minutes looking for a job online, tweak resume for 4000th time.
Become aware that I am being watched, look up to see Rox and Niko in their Starvation Pose.
Go to kitchen, give them food from earlier, which they promptly classify as disgusting.
Crush L-Lysine for both kitties.
Feed Leo so he won't eat their food.
Diligently work to hide L-Lysine in 1 tablespoon Niko and Roxie's food.
Feed them.
Remove Leo from their food and give Leo more of his own food.
Remind Roxie and Niko they have fresh food.
Remove Leo from Roxie and Niko's food and put him back in front of his own dish.
Put Friskies Turkey Cheese and Delicious gravy on my finger to entice Roxie and Niko, but accidentally entice Leo.
Put Leo back in front of his own dish.
Give up feeding Roxanne and Niko, put dishes on counter, just in case they get hungry again in 5 minutes.
Sit down.
I look at the clock, I've been up two hours, and I'm completely worn out.

You see the pattern.

This went on ALL DAY for FOUR days!

Last night Niko decided he was hungry again. He ate and ate and ate. At 3am I was sitting on the kitchen floor so he could eat without Leo eating his food. It was slow going because Niko had to delicately reach into his bowl, hook one morsel with a claw and lick it off. And lick, and lick. As tired as I was, I was so relieved to see him eating that I did not care that my butt was numb.

This morning I have two insane maniacs in my house trying to make up for 4 days of lethargy and inactivity. There is racing, crashing, slamming, howling, hissing, spitting, more crashing, and growling going on, with occasional breaks for mutual bathing. Non stop. Leo is laid out in the living room watching them in bemusement, and only the teensiest concern that he might get trampled.

YAY my kitties are back!


Anonymous said...

Well, I see I am not alone in my crazy, day to day, cat life.

I followed your blog from FDMB where you gave someone advice. I have 6 cats , one with FD....His name is Scar, and, although, the last 3 weeks have been hard, we are manageing.

Now, if only , I can stop the fighting between kotcha, marucci, and Bernie Bear.

Kotcha is my oldest, and has decided she's gonna start writing checks her a ss can't cash. she is growling at the two biggest treats in the house and they will have none of it. Any advice?


Carolyn said...

Hi there Shelly,
LOL no you're definitely not alone in your crazy cat life. My Niko did that too, he would plan and launch terrifying and painful attacks on Spot and Oscar all day every day. He has finally calmed down, since they have passed on. I think a lot of it is due to not being afraid of being given up for adoption again.

If Kotcha is new to the household, that could be her problem. If she is not new, I would recommend looking at a medical issue as being the problem. Many times the first sign we see is household disruption, she is trying to protect herself perhaps. Arthritis could be paining her, and her response could be a warning to the other two.

The diabetes dx with Scar could also be a source. Now that you are probably giving Scar more attention, she could be jealous. One thing I do is dole out treats to any kitties that show up for testing time. I work hard to make sure they all get individual attention and try to treat them all the same. Niko gets extra time with me because he's the most emotional of the three, and I want him to know he's safe and well-loved even though he's not getting the "quality time" he thinks Leo is getting.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog, it's so wonderful and flattering to know other people read it! (((hugs)))

Very good to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn,
Ithink you are right on target. Kotcha has been dealing with joint pain for some time. Also, her belly seems hard to me. I felt the bellies of my other cats and they are overweight also, but softer. Looks like she will be visiting the vets soon as they are back after the new year.

I have alot of questions about Scar. You are obviously well informed and self-educated about FD. But, I don't want to just start asking away. I know I can ask anything over at the FDMD but it can be a little overwhelming when you get some much feedback. No one I know understands. They say things like "stop spending money on a sick cat, just have him put down and go adopt a healthy one". I get tired of hearing that because I love them and they are not expendable to me.

As for me reading your blog...I love it!!! it's very comforting and very entertaining. You certainly have a gift for writing. I even wondered if you were a journalist:) keep blogging and I'll keep on reading.


Carolyn said...

Hi Shelly,
Did your vet give you Cosequin or any pain meds for her joint pain? If not, I'd ask about it this time. :-)

I understand about the piling on feeling on FDMB. It's commonly reported, and we've had multiple discussions as to how it can be prevented. I remember when I first got there, it was like they were a crazy blood cult, and they were all card carrying members! It takes a while to feel comfortable there, but once you do, you'll be amazed at the amount of knowledge and caring there. Until then, if you post there, just remember, we all care about you, even if it sounds like we're all telling you what to do at the same time with varying levels of alarm. :) None of us knows the best way to tell someone we know what we're talking about - without sounding like crazy cat ladies! LOL

Thanks for your compliments again, they really made me smile! Let me know how Kotcha does at the vet. I had a cat who actually ended up paralyzed from his arthritis, so I can help with that, if you need it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn,Kotcha isn't taking any meds as of now. I know her front legs are hurting her but I sense something else is up. I will have to wait until next week to make her an appt. at the vets. I hope I'm just being paranoid.I was wondering, do you know of any toys that cat's really love. I buy them and most of them just sit on the floor. The boys love playing fishing pole , but after 30 minutes my arm is killing me. Four of the six of them are very overweight. And , you can't make a cat jog around the house to burn calories. Since Scar has been diagnoised, they have all been on the canned food diet. But, it's not enough, and I know they need  to be stimulated more than half an hour twice a day. Poor guys just look so bored sometimes.Thanks for any cat toy reccommendations.shelly

Carolyn said...

Best toy in my house, hands down is the laser light. I bought a second one just to really work them out LOL :) They go crazy over them!

Here's what it looks like laser toy

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear they are all feeling better! Sending Best Wishes for a full recovery for all!
Bless you for saving that boy!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

hey.. it has been a long time since you posted.. what's new??

Anonymous said...

Something told me to come here, so I did. So much has happened. I don't know if you read my story over at FDMD, but I am unable to give Scar his shots because of a spinal coed injury I had 22 years ago. To make a very long story short, my sister, who lives up the street, was giving scar his insulin twice a day. After 2 weeks she started missing his shots here and there. Then, without saying anything at all to me, she just quit. I was calling in a panic but she wouldn't answer her phone. Now I am use to this treatment from her. I pay her for almost everything she does for me. But now she is messing with my baby. After two and a half days without insulin she called me. She played the "victim" as usual. She came back but she gave a couple days to find someone else. She knows there is know one else. Thank god her friend jena (who lives next door to her and has 5 cats of her own) found out and decided if I could change scars shots time she would do it. I didn't think I would ever breath again!!! So, scar hadn't been getting BG testing at home (my sister was in and out as she is busier than Oprah). So, now Jena has agreed to help me. And, stated upfront she didn't wany ANY money from me. Now I'm thinking scar will finally get tested at home and we can figure out where he is as far as BG levels. BOOM my power goes out. Landlord has to turn one breaker off because he doesn't want a fire. The breaker he turned off controlled All my overhead lights. I had 2 lamps in my house and that was it besides my kitchen overhead light still worked(on diff breaker) So, you guessed it, scar was not being tested. After 25 days my power has been restored (yesterday). I could tell so much more but I would be here a month of sundays typing. I secretly hate my sister now for what she did to scar. She got her money...I hope she's happy. Oh, and the topper was after she pulled this crap on scar she had the audacity to say to me that her husband said the reason he loves her so much is because of her "compassion". You could have knocked me over with a feather. Carolyn, if you only knew. Sorry about going on and on. I needed to release it. Hopefully, jena will start testing in the next day or two. I am so stressed!! Now, how are you? lol shelly

Anonymous said...

now I feel stupid. I read the comments so fast...I thought you were talking to me. Instead it was people talking to you. Oh, well, now you know where I've been. shell

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