Ever have a really good friend that you can call any time of the day or night and talk about absolutely nothing with? A friend so good that nothing is too crazy, too gross, too taboo? Mine is Jenn. I met Jenn on FDMB, and we have one of those friendships that you think "When I meet this person, we probably won't have a thing in common" but then you meet and you find out they are as much a whackjob as you are. We are serial friends. Not only are we good friends, but we make friends with people we deem likable. Unfortunately for these people, they are destined to become our friends for life. People like Sandy, Tammy, Dawn, Andrea, the list goes on and on.. they are inescapably caught up in our vortex of friendship.
Jenn is the nice one. I am the not quite as nice one. We patrol the board looking for people who've been ignored, or who are in trouble. If I have to leave, Jenn is in charge. If Jenn has to leave, I am in charge. We will get on the phone and call each other from wherever we are.
"Did you check on Sue and Fluffy on Health? Last I saw she hadn't said if she was ketone testing."
"Yeah she came back, I taught her how to ketone test, she's at the pharmacy buying ketostix right now"
"Good job Crusader"
Our friendship is so ridiculously funny that we often read each other our posts before posting them, and if we don't have the time to get the other one's opinion, we will harangue the crap out of each other after putting them up.
"Did you check my post to whatsherface about ketones yet??"
"No I had to pee"
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to wet my pants..."
Jenn has the cat from hell, Sabrina. Sabrina isn't really from hell, of course. She's a beautiful collage of soft multicolored fur and preciousness, with a tiny attitude. Not a deal-breaker attitude, just a fine sense of herself, as all cats should have. Sabrina doesn't do anything Jenn wants her to do and will notify Jenn of her displeasure by whining. Sabrina refuses to eat wet food, so Jenn is forced to feed the lowest carb dry food she can find, Evo. This causes the worst smell imaginable in the litter box. Evo poop is renowned as the worst smell in history. Jenn not only has learned to live with this, but cherishes every moment with Sabrina, except for the whining. Jenn doesn't cherish that. Sabrina is truly the love of Jenn's life, and a better cat for Jenn, I can't imagine. A better human for Sabrina - there isn't one. Sabrina has been diabetic for over two years, and is a DKA survivor. She hasn't done anything normal since diagnosis. She's been a tough case and Jenn has busted her butt for Sabrina, which is just as it should be in Sabrina's mind. Jenn is always singing my praises when it comes to treating diabetics, but I am certain I would not be able to do the things I do if I had a Sabrina. Jenn is a superb caregiver.
This morning Jenn called me and warned me about the weather. Jenn, being such a good friend to me, lives in New Jersey, but checks my weather before I go outside. Some people might think this is stalker-ish behavior. I think it's very caring of her. Well, maybe slightly stalker-ish, but still genuinely caring. This morning's phone call went like this:
"I was thinking about you when I went outside this morning, it's quite nipply outside"
"Oh you think of me when you think of nipples?"
Our phone conversation trailed on until I heard "Sabrina did you do something bad in your litterbox?". Of course she did. It's 7 degrees in New Jersey, and now Jenn is trapped in her house with a smirking cat and a steaming pile in the litterbox.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now that's friendship.
ask and you shall receive...
7 years ago
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