Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Gack. An interesting word, isn't it? It's one of those words that sounds like what it is, like puncture or titillate. I digress. Gack actually references what happens when you do bad "crank" (some kind of Methamphetamine drug or something) when the idiot's "gag reflex is triggered by the extreme burning sensation of the nasal passages when the drug is snorted, and the very bitter taste as it drains down the back of the throat" as per the Urban Dictionary. I digress again.

We've been gacking in our house. Leo farts. Can you believe that? A farting cat! Roxanne and Niko are mortified, and want to move out. Niko put his own harness on all by himself last night. When all the gas runs out of him and Leo leaves that dog-size poo we were talking about the other day, and doesn't bury it... *gack*

Last night, Ronnie was minding his own business, as he tends to do when he's watching House, Leo hopped up on the couch next to him and let one rip. Then he turned around and looked at Ronnie innocently just before Ronnie dove under the backrest pillow for relief. That hurt Leo's feelings. I think I will create some anti-poot devices so that Leo can be more comfortable in our home and less insecure. Now, it's KNIT ONE PURL TWO right?


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