The saddest in the house was our young boy Niko. I knew I could not get another "healthy" cat, that I would have to get one that would be considered unadoptable. Diabetics are generally older cats, but the 3 year old nutjob needed a young friend. I was not sure what to do.
Niko was still howling at the door for Spot, and now spent much of his time walking around the house in circles, searching. Then, on Valentine's Day, 1 year to the day that Spot was diagnosed with diabetes, I got a private message from an FDMB member who had seen another member's post about her foster cat.
Initially I didn't even want to read that post, but then curiosity got the better of me. I saw that it was a little girl kitty, only 2 and a half years old. That is crazy young for a diabetic. This little girl had extra toes on each of her paws, a true four-paw polydactyl! Sammie was a polydactyl who could throw and catch balls with her extra toes. I was hooked. I had another one of those conversations with Ronnie, where I beg, reason and plead and he blinks. YAY! Another kitty! Suddenly I was the crazy cat lady again, my friends were laughing at me, my boss rolled his eyes. I realized, that even though I was grieving the loss of my boys who died less than 2 months apart, that my heart actually needed a new kitty to love too.
So I contacted Connie, who was fostering this little girl. The kitty's name was Reese, and she was unafraid and very sociable, not sick at all aside from the diabetes. We chatted and then I contacted her shelter, AWS in Kennebunkport Maine, and arranged the adoption. We requested transport help on the Feline Diabetes board. The whole of FDMB came together in excitement. Everyone wanted to help in some way and people not living on the east coast were bummed that they couldn't help transport the cat. We had daily updates and then, suddenly it was the big day. "Reese" became "Roxanne" instantly. Never have I seen such unladylike behavior - it was downright embarrassing. Niko was quite taken aback by it as well, but on Day 1, it all seemed like it was gonna be okay.
Nine months to the day that I met Roxanne, Niko has a bestest friend with fur that tastes bad and has to be spat out. Roxanne has a pincushion. We have laughter and hilarity ensuing in our home all day. (The downstairs neighbors would like to interject that my "herd of elephants" spend most of the night perfecting their hilarity.)
We have peace and a proper pecking order again.
ask and you shall receive...
7 years ago
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