This is Spot, the Ferocious Man Kitty. Spot came to me as a young kitten, a stray who'd taken up residence with a friend of my then-husband and his many dogs. He was his own little man from the day he sauntered into my living room, guarding Jesica from sleep demons and briskly prowling the house day and night protecting all within from vicious bugs, deranged attack beetles and the occasional housefly, which we all know to be quite dangerous.
Spot lived in many houses and many states with us, caring for us during countless moves. He tolerated animals of all kinds, often alerting me to a bird in distress or a kitty needing to be rescued. He did all of this with his very best friend in the world - Miss Sammie Wammie. Sammie and Spot were thick as thieves. They did everything together and God help you if they didn't like you! Miss Sammie was a beautiful, if slightly dim, white kitten when we adopted her about 6 months after we met Spot. Quite tragically for Spot, Sammie died suddenly of cancer at 15. Just like that, our sweet girl was gone.
A couple months later, I noticed my Man Kitty acting in ways I thought meant he was getting senile. He'd follow a water bowl anywhere, he'd literally wrap himself around a water bowl for hours. He attacked his food so voraciously that I was afraid he would choke on it. He had been having much trouble with chronic ear infections and polyps, and had spinal arthritis, so when these oddnesses starting becoming evident, I felt sad and thought that he was in deep mourning. His coat was unkempt, so unlike the beautiful glossy coat he'd had his whole life. I went to the pet store and bought him a furminator.. and met Niko, very sad and lonely in the shelter's huge dog crate.
Niko was trouble. Big trouble. He was into everything and wanted to be to boss. Spot just wanted his water bowl. I was even sadder because I knew I'd made a mistake thinking Spot would feel better with a friend. He started losing weight. One morning I saw him limping and knew I had to get him some pain pills so I took him to the vet and she ran bloodwork. I was scared, and wondered what she had seen to run bloodwork. Then I got the call.
Spot had diabetes.
*cue cliffhanger music*
Next post: The rest of the story..
ask and you shall receive...
7 years ago
This looks really good so far - great job :)!
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